What I am Reading this Summer

With the intensity of the school year, it is difficult to keep up with all the reading I want to do. Fortunately, the summer months bring a respite to that intensity and allow me to ramp up my reading and new learning. I thought I would share some of the titles I am reading this summer, and I would love to hear about what you are reading as well. Here is what I am reading:

  • Any summer reading begins with the Bible. I have discovered a pattern for the reading of Scripture that works for me. I found that if I average six chapters a day I can read the full Bible in about 200 days. But I have also learned that I prefer reading in several different sections of Scripture at one time. So right now I am reading a Psalm a day, two chapters (minimum) in Exodus, one New Testament chapter (I just finished Acts and I am now in Matthew), and two daily chapters in the prophets.
  • I have already read several C.S. Lewis-related titles this summer, and I intend to delve into more. I appreciate the winsome and logical approach to Christianity taken by Lewis in his writing. I have already completed If I Had Lunch with C.S. Lewis and Irrigating Deserts, which consider the life, work and educational philosophy of Lewis. I have also read Mere Christianity, The Great Divorce, and I am in the midst of The Problem of Pain. The Chronicles of Narnia and The Screwtape Letters are also on my radar. Feel free to ask me my thoughts about any of these titles.
  • As always, I love to read and learn more about baseball history. My current title is The New York Game, an overview of the history of baseball in this city and how it relates to the development of the urban area as a whole.
  • Finally, I continue to read about artificial intelligence (AI) in education as I seek to better understand its growing impact on education and life. Right now I am reading Brave New Worlds after completing Co-Intelligence. I have especially appreciated the comprehensive approach to discussing the influence of AI in so many different areas of life from the second title.

What are you reading? I would love to hear from you since I often gain new titles to add to my reading list from others. Feel free to share your ideas as a comment to this post or by contacting me directly. Happy reading!

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